Monday, October 29, 2012

Course/Project outline

Overall: Re-designing a new Legend of Zelda game (re-designing the Temple of Time because it's such a major part in every game as well as re-designing Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf all in a Steampunk style).

Project I: Concept art of a Steampunk themed Temple of Time on either canvas board or very heavy paper in coloured pencil and possibly watercolour and inks as I've always had a phobia of mixed media and I wish to overcome that.
     In class: For the first couple days I want to just sketch out some rough ideas, and come Wednesday I'm hoping to start on the final piece.
     At home: I want to set goals for myself every day, and if I don't meet them within class-time I'm going to finish at home. Otherwise I'm going to continue to study other artists' work, especially those that are Steampunk-heavy. Also daily updates of where I'm at with the project.
Project II: Concept art of the new Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf done digitally with my tablet. I'm looking to have their outfits very Steampunk heavy, lots of gears, nuts and bolts. A lot of very earthy raw tones and colours.
     In class: I'm going to be doing hopefully all of this in class, meaning I'll be bringing my laptop and tablet with me and drawing right there.
     At home: I'm hoping I won't need to do too much at home, although I know I will work on these at home. I might even change up their designs somewhat. Also daily updates of where I'm at with the project.
Project III: Final painting of the concept temple done for Project I done on canvas with Acrylics. I'd love to use Oil, but I just don't have that time luxury.
     In class: I'm hoping to do most - if not all - the painting done in class, however I'm going to set the same goals as for project I.
     At home: If I fail to meet my day's goal by the end of class, I'm going to bring it home and work on it there. Also daily updates of where I'm at with the project.

And there's my outline! Yay!

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